Transforming International Dispute Resolution Mechanisms During a Paradigm Shift in Geopolitics
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It is our pleasure to invite you to the International Dispute Resolution Conference 2022 (“Conference”) to be held on July 29-30, 2022, at IMS Unison University, Dehradun. The two-day Conference on the theme ‘Transforming International Dispute Resolution Mechanisms During a Paradigm Shift in Geopolitics’ is jointly organized by the School of Law IMS Unison University, India and Kathmandu University, Nepal.
Conflict is a global reality, as well as a common experience for every human being. But the ways of addressing conflict vary from country to country, region to region, and even person to person. This event will provide participants a unique opportunity to explore and approach conflict resolution from a global mindset. Understanding conflict and the role it plays in various cultures is essential to solve the world’s most pressing challenges.
Changes toward the de-territorialisation of sovereignty and the corresponding emergence of various global institutions, associated with globalisation, can offer new incentives and possibilities for the resolution of seemingly intractable ethno-national conflicts, by revisiting them in a transnational context. Global shift in power will give rise to different forms of conflicts and will demand advancement in the current dispute resolution regime.
On 20 December 2018, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (“Mediation Convention”). It creates fair and effective approach to resolve international/crossborder commercial disputes and particularly helps in efficiently enforcing the settlement agreements across the border. It opens enormous business opportunities for enterprises and dispute resolution professionals. The term ‘paradigm shift in geopolitics’ in the theme of the Conference aims to foster discussion on emerging trends in dispute resolution and the impact of the Mediation Convention on international business environment.
During these days, scholars, lawyers, and ADR practitioners will share views and experiences as to how their unique perspectives on mediation, negotiation, arbitration and other forms of dispute resolution mechanisms have the capacity to shape and transform conflict across the globe.
The conference aims to foster discussion on emerging trends in dispute resolution and the impact of the “Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation” as approved by United Nations on International business environment.
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Academicians / Organization Representatives (Author) Rs. 1200 Academicians / Organization Representatives (Co-author) Rs. 700 Research Scholars/ Students (Author) Rs. 1000 Research Scholars/ Students (Co- Author) Rs. 700 *GST Included in registration fees * No Registration Fees for Participants From Outside of India